We’re here to help you thrive

because everyone should live a life free of behaviours of concern

autism behaviour

Behaviours of concern can be debilitating for the person using them and the people who love and care for them. 

At Liberty, our behaviour support practitioners believe everyone should live a life free of behaviours of concern and be supported to truly thrive.

Our strong, effective behaviour support strategies help participants and their carers lead calmer, happier, easier lives. Our rigorous training school (Liberty’s Centre for Excellence) combined with years of collective experience ensure our behaviour support practitioners create Behaviour Support Plans which are designed to truly empower participants and the people caring for them.

We are there for you when things get tough, offering unwavering support and guidance. We understand that the journey towards positive behaviour change can be difficult, which is why our thoroughly trained and dedicated practitioners walk alongside you every step of the way - from the development of the behaviour support plan all the way through to successful implementation.

As one of Australia's largest registered NDIS Positive Behaviour Support companies, we have improved the lives of over 1000 people across Australia and treat every client, family, and carer with the utmost respect, honesty, and compassion.

Together, we can overcome behaviours of concern and empower participants and the people caring for them to lead calmer, happier, easier lives.

autism positive behaviour support
disability behaviour support
disability behaviour support
down syndrome behaviour
we love ndis
disability behaviour support
teenager behaviour
Kylie Chandler

Source: Kylie Chandler, Google Reviews

“I will want to give a shout out to my son's behavioural specialist. She is very passionate and caring. She puts her clients first and really focusses on helping them understand their own behaviours..”

Benefits of choosing liberty behavioural services


  • NDIS Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is an approach that focuses on promoting positive behaviour and managing behaviours of concern / risks of harm in people with disabilities. It encompasses a range of strategies and techniques aimed at improving behaviour, providing support, and enhancing the overall well-being of individuals, their families and carers.

    Positive behaviour support involves implementing positive behaviour management strategies and using behavioural therapy techniques to address challenging behaviours. It aims to understand the underlying causes of behaviours of concern and develop effective intervention plans to promote positive behaviour change.

    Positive behaviour support practitioners play a crucial role in developing behaviour support plans and providing guidance and training to parents and caregivers. They assist in developing behaviour intervention plans, teaching behaviour management techniques, and offering support and resources to parents and families.

    Sensory approaches are often incorporated into NDIS Positive Behaviour Support, recognising the impact of sensory experiences on behaviour. These approaches consider sensory sensitivities and provide appropriate environmental modifications and strategies to help individuals and the people supporting them to manage their behaviours effectively.

    Overall, NDIS Positive behaviour Support aims to create a supportive and nurturing environment that promotes positive behaviour, teaches appropriate skills, and enhances the quality of life for individuals with behavioural challenges, including those with autism, ADHD, and intellectual disabilities among others. By implementing evidence-based techniques and working collaboratively with individuals, families, and professionals, positive behaviour support can make a significant difference in managing challenging behaviours and improving overall well-being.

  • The range of time involved in each of the steps depends on the complexity level of the situation and the depth of assessment/intervention required.

    Interim Behaviour Support Plan A draft Interim Behaviour Support Plan is developed and circulated to key parties for feedback. If then approved by the relevant state government body, we submit this to the NDIS Commission, if it includes Restrictive Practices. Hours required:This process can take between 15-25 hours to develop

    Functional Behavioural Assessment A functional behavioural assessment looks at all the elements that contribute towards or reduce the likelihood of a behaviour of concern occurring, and produces hypothesis’s around the cause of the behaviour. This includes examining things such as: The triggering events, interactions, places, times or stimuli Consequences that de-escalate or escalate a situation Trauma backgrounds Matches/Mismatches of their needs to their interpersonal, home or service delivery environments

    Hours required:This process can take between 15-50 hours to develop

    Comprehensive Behaviour Support Plan
    A plan based off the function of the behaviour, that is designed through the lens of an emotional regulation plan, including:
    • Decreasing of certain triggers and building coping/tolerance skills of others
    • Environmental Strategies
    • Increasing the amount of preferred activities

    • Skill building / teaching strategies • Reactive strategies to gain rapid de-escalation over/soothing of a situation
    Hours required:This process can take between 20-60 hours to develop


    For each step consultation will occur to assess develop and implement a plan. Training and coaching is available throughout.

    Plans can be reviewed based on feedback at any point to ensure they remain relevant.

    Progress report:

    A compelling report is written to the NDIS outlining evidence for you to receive the correct amount of supports in response to the behavioural risks, to support their reduction. Hours required: This process can take between 5-10 hours

    Liberty Behavioural Services is compliant with the NDIS Capability framework

  • Our average wait time is 48 hours from referral to allocation. We do not believe in keeping people on waitlists for longer than 4 weeks. If we do not have immediate capacity, we will only keep you on a waitlist if we have hired a suitable practitioner and are leading up to their start date.

  • Positive Behaviour Support is tailored to your specific needs and situation. We follow strict government mandated processes that include an Interim Behaviour Support Plan, Functional Assessment, Comprehensive Behaviour Support Plan, training for involved parties, observation and coaching, direct work with the participant, data collection and progress reporting.

  • NDIS Positive Behaviour Support works to reduce and eliminate specific behaviours of concern / risks of harm and is delivered by a registered Behaviour Support Practitioner. The process includes the development of a Behaviour Support Plan that is developed in consultation with the participant and the people caring for them. Its main focus is on addressing behaviours of concern caused by disability. Psychologists provide counselling and psychotherapy, supporting individuals whose challenges are due to mental health concerns.

  • We strictly follow the NDIS price guide that differs according to which state you are based in. We are funded by the participant’s NDIS plan and as such you will never have to worry about personal out of pocket payments.

  • Liberty's Positive Behaviour Support practitioners meet participants or their support network in their own homes or in their everyday setting, such as a day program. We offer both in-person and telehealth services.

  • Preventing Further Climate Damage

    Liberty, in collaboration with Greening Australia is building a forest to assist with rewilding Australia, reducing emissions and returning spaces to Australian species

    We are also a proud sponsor of sustainability Australia

    Malawi Africa

    Liberty has a sponsor community in Malawi Africa. There we have successfully assisted in developing a school, building homes and crops, paying for education, bicycles and sponsoring healthcare


    Through our partnership with Dr's without borders we have been able to save 25 children a year through life saving food packs


    Liberty is a proud contributor to the global efforts to fund immunisations to developing countries

Are you ready for fast, effective Behaviour Support?